I have NO idea…But He does.

Happy New Year friends!

It’s 2015! I thought we would be in cool robotic looking outfits by now….but….I guess I can thank God that we aren’t! :-)

This time of the year always brings in excitement. New Goals. New Vision. New Things. New You. Just all together NEW!

The promises of “THIS is YOUR year!”

“This is the year of turn-around!”

“This is the year of manifestation!”

“This is the year of growth!”

“This is the year of…you fill in the blank.”

And I in no way want to sound cynical…it’s just that I no longer really pay attention to those sayings any more.

The truth is…

I have NO idea what this year holds for me. I have no idea what I will encounter. I really have no idea what to really put my hands to. So many times I’ve fallen under the pressure of forcing myself to envision something because everyone else had this vision and this goal and this plan.

Last year, in the beginning of the year, I fell into a period of anxiety and depression because I had allowed that kind of pressure to get the best of me. And how did I find myself?


I couldn’t put my hands to anything because I was so overwhelmed by all that I had on my plate and I felt like I had to keep doing more.

I learned a big lesson in 2014 and I vowed that I wouldn’t bring it into this year.

I vowed that every year, my vision will be to draw closer and deeper in the Lord, for that is where my life and everything pertaining to it flows from.

I vowed to remind myself that doing more doesn’t mean I mean more to Him.

I vowed to keep my visions and plans prayerfully before Him before setting out to do any of them.

I vowed that I will no longer drive myself to worry and anxiety because I couldn’t see what the future held for me.

Last year, fear drove me to a place I didn’t want to be. But I thank God His love drove me closer to Him so I could be wiser.

This year, I will no longer let fear drive me just because I don’t know what this year holds or I don’t know what direction to really go. And as weird as it sounds…I am excited about not knowing!

I will remain faithful to where He has planted me and rest assured that His Word will be a lamp unto my feet- giving me enough light to step in the right direction. I am at the mercy of His leading. That’s how much I need Him.

This is my verse for this year and I will hold on to it for dear life:

The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” (Deuteronomy 31:8)

The peace that comes in knowing that my God has already paved the way is amazing. He’s gone where I will go. All I need to do is hold on to His hands and let Him take me to the uncharted territories that He’s charted for me. So I don’t need to be afraid or discouraged when things don’t seem to be going the way I had envisioned.

Ahhhh…such peace.

So here is to 2015…a year filled with faith adventures. A year where you can strip off the unrealistic expectations of doing more and learn to BE more in Him so you can DO more of what He desires for you to do.

I’m ready!




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