27 Years…27 Lessons: God, Life, Myself and People


Today is a special day for me and my better half–my TWIN MELKAM!!  We celebrate 27 years of life!!  I  acknowledge the LOVE and  faithfulness of God over my life in these past 27 years. So hard to believe that I am here already.   I’ve enjoyed the ride—all the bumpy roads, Smooth roads, Hills. Plains. Flowers. Rain. Every last bit of it! And I’ve learned SO much and in honor of my 27th birthday, I wanted to share 27 lessons I’ve learned about God, life, myself and people in my 27 years of life:-)

27 lessons: 

  1. When  God says NO it’s a NO
  2. When He says Yes, it’s a YES
  3. Life is more exciting when we allow God to interrupt our days.
  4. I need to do more listening. Less talking. More gets done that way.
  5. I love making lists and crossing them off!
  6. I think I would make an amazing events coordinator
  7. God is not a God of order. He can do what He wants to do. When he wants to do it. And He’s kinda always right.
  8. God is faithful even when we are not! (Thank you Jesus)
  9. I am a lot funnier than I thought. (Should I try out to be a comedian??or am I pushing it? lol)
  10. Desperation is always the best place to be with God.
  11. One of the most important relationships you can have is with yourself
  12. God has a sense of humor. I need to get on His level.
  13. He wants me. I need Him. I want Him…He needs me. It’s humbling.
  14. God’s work in my life is seen through the people He connects me with.
  15. I no longer trust myself when I say I will take a nap lol.
  16. Worry less.  Sit still and talk to Him more.
  17. I can do anything I put my mind to.
  18. Prayer NEVER wastes time. If anything, it saves time.
  19. It’s really OK to REST.  Actually I NEED to REST.
  20. God doesn’t hate feeling. Feel. Just let Him guide your actions.
  21. You will miss out A LOT in life if you live by the #nonewfriends  slogan.
  22. I don’t need to DO in order to BE. But I do need to BE before I Do.
  23. Endings are not bad. Embrace them no matter how hard they are.
  24. You can’t compare your worship.
  25. Embracing who I am and all of me  has been LIBERATING. And it allows people to be  Liberated to be THEMSELVES.
  26. Everything is beautiful in its time.
  27. God’s not FINISHED with me yet. (Another thank you Jesus)

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