
Written by yoditkifle

Because some opportunities NEVER come back…#urgencyofNOW

I never wanted to believe it when people would tell me that there were some opportunities that present themselves that would never present themselves again if not taken at that moment.

In my mind, I thought, well if God wanted me to have it, then it would come again. And I learned more recently, that it isn’t all the way true. Because, there are some opportunities that when God gives it to you, it’s because the impact it has for that moment can’t be duplicated. It’s for that NOW. And yes, God can redeem it but it won’t have the same impact that it could have had.

Here is my story:

I have a colleague who has been sick for a while now. One day, I was running late to work and ended up parking in the garage that I normally don’t park in but because of the way I think, I told God, “Well…I’m late. I guess you should use me even in my tardiness.”

Be careful what you tell God to do. He will do it.  And He did.

As I pull in, I see my co-worker whom I admire very much and enjoy talking to and learning form because of the person that they are. Brilliant in thought. Humorous. Hard worker. And…for the past 5 years, I’ve known that God had a hand on his life whether he really knew it or not.

We ended up parking next to each other and walked and talked till we got to the elevator. As he’s talking, Holy Spirit said to me, “Tell him you want to pray for him and that you believe in the power of healing.” Now…when I heard this, it made sense to me because of what I had been experiencing in God at that point. I had been studying healing and have been asking God for opportunities to pray and believe for healing for people. And it seemed like this was one of those opportunities.


Fear set in. Flesh set in. Thoughts of feeling as if that would just be too weird set in. I couldn’t see myself stopping in the middle of this garage deck and laying hands on him.

And so as we are talking about his health, my spirit is screaming, “PRAY.”

My flesh is screaming “NOT NOW”.

And within that split second, I missed the opportunity.

I walked away ashamed. Asking God to forgive me. And He did. But it still stung.

Fast forward a day ago when I find out that this same co-worker was diagnosed with bone cancer.

My heart hurt for him. I cried that he had to go through this. And the Lord quickly reminded me of that moment in that garage deck where I had that opportunity to pray for him.

What IF I had done it? What IF that moment could have kept this moment from happening?

And you know what…I could live in the WHAT IF’s and wallow in guilt. But that’s not what God wanted. I knew that in that moment when God reminded me of that time, it was so that I received the urgency of the NOWs that God gives us in doing something OUTSIDE of fear, for His glory.

He says in His word:

 “As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work” (John 9:4, NIV).

God will redeem this. I know He will because now there will be opportunities to pray for him and share Jesus with him in these next moments of his journey. I still believe for healing. Still believing that God will use this illness to draw him closer.

But that other time will NEVER come again. And yes, a part of me still wonders. But now more of me says, I will be ready for the next opportunity. I will do the work that he sends me to do.

AND, for that to happen, I need to remain in His presence so I can be sensitive to His presence in my daily walk and let go of the fear of looking weird. Being rejected. Or any other nonsense. And you know what puts that more into perspective for me?  When I know that we have brothers and sisters being persecuted and beheaded in the Middle East all for the cause of Christ! And we can’t even pray for people?

These  times are serious. If I’ve ever believed that, it is NOW.

God is moving. God is shaking this Earth so that His sons and daughters can wake up and start PROCLAIMING who He is in all parts of life. In our jobs. Homes. Communities. Schools. Everywhere we are. He is.

And God WILL show up! I promise you. He WILL show up. Believe Him and trust that He wants to use you NOW!

Because as hard as it is to say, some opportunities will never come again.


Filling Fridays

Many things in life will either FILL us or DRAIN us. I’ve desginated Fridays as “Filling Fridays” to share with you all things that have filled my soul, spirit, and life and I pray they do the same for you. Sometimes it’s music. It can be a book. It can be art. Whatever it is, the hope is that it will FILL you with something GOOD!

 This week, I want to share with you a couple of songs from all genres that have been blessing my soul–worshiping, dancing, singing, rapping…all FILLING!!  Enjoy:


Citipointe: Higher +Wider+Deeper


Mali Music’s NEW album:Mali Is


Sam Smith: Latch (Disclosure version)

Sam Smith: Latch (Disclosure version)

Lecrae: Nuthin

Let’s stop being SELFISH with this JOY….

Last night, we found out that one of the world’s greatest actors died a tragic death. After suffering from depression for many years, Robin Williams was led to commit suicide and was found dead in his home yesterday.

What I feel every time I hear this type of news doesn’t get old.  It’s absolutely heart wrenching when someone dies before their time.

I was watching CNN last night and Larry King, who was being interviewed about his thoughts on the tragic death of Robin Williams, asked “How can someone who seemingly had everything…money..fame..success…happiness…take his own life? We have not found the answer yet.”

I found that to be so telling of our world. It’s yet again a reminder that those things he named aren’t what fulfill our eternal longings. Only the HOPE of something greater does and it makes me very sad that there are many who conclude that “there is NO point to life.”

There is a point. The point is that Jesus went to the point of death so that we can have something greater. LIFE built on HOPE. Not money. Not fame. Not “happiness.” LIFE built on an eternal joy.

A joy that overcomes lack or abundance.

Here is a man who brought joy into others’ lives, yet deep inside his joy was nonexistent. Depression is real. I am not negating the seriousness of it. But I’ve also learned that Jesus’ JOY is real too! And to only attribute his depression to a scientific, clinical problem is telling of how this world views hopelessness.

We as believers should be reminded of how IMPORTANT our lives are in showing the joy that we have in Christ to this world. It’s not to be hoarded to fulfill our own desires. It’s to be shared. It’s to show others that we are not selfish but willing to NOTICE. Willing to roll our sleeves and help those in darkness find LIGHT!

Let’s stop being selfish with this joy.

And these are serious times. Pray.

27 Years…27 Lessons: God, Life, Myself and People


Today is a special day for me and my better half–my TWIN MELKAM!!  We celebrate 27 years of life!!  I  acknowledge the LOVE and  faithfulness of God over my life in these past 27 years. So hard to believe that I am here already.   I’ve enjoyed the ride—all the bumpy roads, Smooth roads, Hills. Plains. Flowers. Rain. Every last bit of it! And I’ve learned SO much and in honor of my 27th birthday, I wanted to share 27 lessons I’ve learned about God, life, myself and people in my 27 years of life:-)

27 lessons: 

  1. When  God says NO it’s a NO
  2. When He says Yes, it’s a YES
  3. Life is more exciting when we allow God to interrupt our days.
  4. I need to do more listening. Less talking. More gets done that way.
  5. I love making lists and crossing them off!
  6. I think I would make an amazing events coordinator
  7. God is not a God of order. He can do what He wants to do. When he wants to do it. And He’s kinda always right.
  8. God is faithful even when we are not! (Thank you Jesus)
  9. I am a lot funnier than I thought. (Should I try out to be a comedian??or am I pushing it? lol)
  10. Desperation is always the best place to be with God.
  11. One of the most important relationships you can have is with yourself
  12. God has a sense of humor. I need to get on His level.
  13. He wants me. I need Him. I want Him…He needs me. It’s humbling.
  14. God’s work in my life is seen through the people He connects me with.
  15. I no longer trust myself when I say I will take a nap lol.
  16. Worry less.  Sit still and talk to Him more.
  17. I can do anything I put my mind to.
  18. Prayer NEVER wastes time. If anything, it saves time.
  19. It’s really OK to REST.  Actually I NEED to REST.
  20. God doesn’t hate feeling. Feel. Just let Him guide your actions.
  21. You will miss out A LOT in life if you live by the #nonewfriends  slogan.
  22. I don’t need to DO in order to BE. But I do need to BE before I Do.
  23. Endings are not bad. Embrace them no matter how hard they are.
  24. You can’t compare your worship.
  25. Embracing who I am and all of me  has been LIBERATING. And it allows people to be  Liberated to be THEMSELVES.
  26. Everything is beautiful in its time.
  27. God’s not FINISHED with me yet. (Another thank you Jesus)

“Just Friends” Is It Possible?

I was told that girls and guys couldn’t be just “friends.”

It’s bound that one of the two will end up being attracted to each other and it will potentially ruin everything.

Here is my story.

I have two brothers and I grew up playing sports. I would say I had a tom-boyish side to me! I found myself around guys because of my love for sports. I developed rich relationships where the mindset wasn’t to romantically get to know each other. It was simply that I was a part of their life and they were a part of mine. Their friendship became a part of my story.

They were great friends. They had my back. I had theirs. We laughed. I cried. They listened (you know guys think they are too macho to cry lol). We got mad at each other. We had deep conversations.  We had shallow conversations. We had friendship.

Did they take the place of the kind of friendship that a female would mean to me? No. Instead, they added something different.

A kind of different that helped me see things from a completely different angle. A kind that helped me understand how and why God made us different. A kind that enriched me as a girl.

Then, things began to change.

As I continued growing in my relationship with God, ironically, the “Christian culture” started shifting the way I would view my relationship with guys.

I would hear all of these rules that made sure we ladies and men knew how to “interact” with one another:

 “Make sure you give side hugs.” They would say.

“Don’t be alone with a guy…it doesn’t look good. People can assume the worst.”

And of course this one…“Girls and guys just can’t be friends.”

Having the kind of relationships I had with guys, yet wanting to “guard my heart,” I found myself in an interesting place.

I started being looked at “funny” when I would grab lunch with one of my “guy” friends because of the assumption that we were “talking.”

All of a sudden, I started believing, well maybe I really can’t be friends with a guy. Maybe it isn’t a good look. Maybe it’s just not possible to have anything outside of a romantic relationship with a guy.

 So what did I do?

I completely shut off the male friends I had in my life. GREAT male friends at that. Ones who were always encouraging.  Ones who edified me. Ones who genuinely cared for me. Ones I enjoyed being around.  (I know—horrible).

I couldn’t handle what people were saying. I couldn’t find a way to explain myself without feeling judged and misunderstood.

So, I bought into the lie.

The lie that our brothers can’t offer us real friendship because it’s just too dangerous!

The lie that having a guy friend could keep you from recognizing your husband. 

The lie that girls get too attached and it could cause confusion.

The lie that the guy is really attracted to you but you kept him in the friend zone, but if you were to have given him a chance to be more, he would go for it. 

To be honest…as I’ve grown older and more mature in my faith…I’ve recognized that much of this is nothing but ignorance at its best to keep our minds in a shallow, limited and deceived place.

I deal with women on a daily basis.  The ministry that God has given me encourages women to walk worthy in the manner of our calling. To be whole. To love God so we can live this life with all that He has for us- in all areas.

Not to bash men. Not to paint men to be the bad guy. Not to tell ladies that they can’t have male friends. Not to call every man that is not their husband a “random.”

Because I refuse to believe that any man is “random”.

Yes, there are those guys who are NOT good for you. But they aren’t random. They have purpose and they have destiny. It’s just that you are not a part of that for them.

I’m very cautious that this ministry doesn’t negate the place of the opposite sex in our lives just because it’s a women’s group. I seek to help women understand the intention and purpose of relationships in ALL areas. Not just when it is confined to a husband and wife.

So I write from a place of frustration that in the body of Christ, there is no ONE talking about how to have HEALTHY relationships with the opposite sex. Rather, it’s all about, “you are precious, (which you are) and you just have to worry about being precious for your husband, (not for anyone else?)

What is that about?

What happened to the days where we can really look at each other as brothers and sisters? Hang out in a group of males and females and enjoy one another’s company without confusion of what we are?

And I’m not talking about being naïve to the temptations that are around, but genuinely asking God to give us pure hearts and eyes so that our place in each other’s life is respected and lived to enhance one another in love. In service. In authentic relationship.

Because it’s SO NEEDED.

Too many of us are out there trying to navigate through life with a tainted perspective of how the opposite sex has a role in your life, leading us to immature decisions.

AGAIN… I am NOT saying be naïve!

There are boundaries. There is WISDOM that we as humans must use. And YES we must guard our hearts (men and women). Our emotions are real. Our situations are unique.

What I am saying is that true maturity in God comes when we are able to recognize the purpose of friendship and not allow the over-sexualized thinking of society infiltrate the purity of friendship and confine what the Lord has called us to be free in.

And as believers, we have the Spirit of God willing to guide us in all we do. If we are willing to submit our thoughts and actions to Him in this area of relationships, He will guide us. He will give us discernment and offer us caution when needed and freedom where it’s needed.

And I believe freedom IN the mind is needed when it comes to having healthy relationships with the opposite sex because IT IS POSSIBLE.

God is not confined by our gender!

I have been beyond blessed to have some incredible men of God who value me as a woman. They speak life to me. They let me know when I’m making a bad decision and cheer me on when I’ve made the right ones.

They tell me I’m beautiful. And I don’t take it in a romantic or pushy way. I hear it in a way that lets me know that I am loved and appreciated and that my worth is recognized.

It’s not enough to tell women and little girls to not be lured into the wrong guy because he tells you that you’re beautiful. We must be willing to let them recognize the ones who mean it, not because they want anything from you, but because they recognize a gem when they see it.

I know many women who have been hurt by men and many men who have been hurt by women. And many minds have been tainted to no longer trust one another. So we learn to keep our guards up with that mindset rather than move towards true reconciliation of bringing back the purity of friendship.

So my dear sisters and brothers, as always…I share from a place of first knowing that true understanding and perspective comes from a deeper knowing of God. Keep spending time in God so that He will reveal the RIGHT and HEALTHY friendships to enter into with the opposite sex.

I also take this time to sincerely thank every male in my life who LOVES me genuinely and pushes me to be the best that I can be! I am a product of you all! You know who you are! I am sorry for buying into the lie that we couldn’t be friends.

 I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.12 My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. (John 15:11-12).



Because truth is…we ladies want to be adored


I was having a conversation with my spiritual mom a couple of weeks ago.  I love the wisdom that I glean from her—about all areas of life. Especially about relationships.  Here is a heartfelt little something I wrote that came from that conversation…


She asked me what I wanted.

I replied…

“I want to be adored.”

She smiled.

“I know it sounds selfish. It may even sound vain. But I do.

 I want whomever God brings into my life to adore me.

 To treasure me.

To know that I am a good thing.

Not adoration based on infatuation.

That will fade.

Very soon.

But I want adoration based on his knowing the Giver of this gift he beholds.

I want adoration that protects the heart of this soul.

I want adoration that keeps shining the diamond that’s within me.

I want adoration that corrects me when I’m wrong.

I want adoration that doesn’t care who is looking when his eyes gazes in mine.

I want adoration that will keep fanning the flames of my gifts.

I want adoration that adores the Maker even the more for creating me.

Yep…I want to be adored.

And I am willing to wait for him.”

God & Vocabulary Tests…

Vocabulary tests used to be my absolute favorite in Elementary school -especially the ones where you only needed to match the word with the definition.


Because it was easy to memorize.

I didn’t have to put much effort into studying something that I could memorize. Now, it was a completely different story when I studied by only memorizing the definition and then came to find out that the test expected us to apply those vocabulary words in sentences.[I’m sure we’ve all had that shock:-)] That created a bit of a problem because I didn’t actually LEARN the words. I didn’t know how to apply them.

Had I continued the habit of memorizing words and definitions rather than truly learning them, my vocabulary would have never expanded and it would have stunted my growth in my reading and writing.

Now take this concept and think about our relationship with God.

When we settle on simply memorizing God over knowing and experiencing a true and intimate relationship with Him, the same happens. We can’t grow. We can’t expand. We can’t be true witnesses of Him or for Him.

It’s easy to memorize scripture verses. Worship songs. Teachings. And who can forget the Christian lingo that we all have.

But what happens when life expects you to apply His Word? Or live out the worship songs we sing…

You know ones we sing with such conviction…

“Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders. Let me walk across the waters. Wherever you may lead me…”

Yet when it comes to having to really step out on faith and walk on water with a certain situation, we are crippled. [I’m guilty of this]

Why? Because we’ve only memorized these songs. We haven’t truly experienced the God of these songs. The One who calls us out of the boat, onto the water, but doesn’t let us sink. The One who leads with a plan and never to forsake us.

We live life long enough, it will force what’s inside of us to come out. And if all we’ve done is memorize God, we’ve kept Him at the surface and have not given Him the opportunity to be etched into our hearts and our lives so that what we know about Him could be seen in how we live our lives.

Memorizing doesn’t create the level of confidence that experience does. An experience with God is undeniable. Nothing can take it from you. And you speak about Him with conviction. You speak of what He is able to do as your reality and not as someone else’s reality.

Memorizing fades. Memorizing doesn’t give you anything personal to connect with it. It keeps you at a distance. 
And there are many of us who are trying to grow in God by simply memorizing Him. And it can’t or won’t happen.

God says to us that He wants us to EXPERIENCE Him. He wants us to graft His words in our hearts so that they flow and influence our words and actions. He wants us to learn His ways so that we won’t be tossed to and fro when the waves of our lives get a little stronger.

Learning Him and Living Him comes from an authentic place.

I encourage you. Invite Him into your days. Commune with Him as you go through your day. Talk with Him. Ask of Him. Rely on Him. 
He says to us, “Don’t just be hearers of the word, but be doers.”(James 1:22).

Taste and See that the Lord is Good! (Psalm 34:8)

 There is TOO much to experience in Him for Him to just be memorized.




*Speaking of Christian lingos, check out this funny video of things Christians say”—While it’s funny, it makes you think—why do we say some of the things we say? Does it really mean something or is just a learned/memorized behavior?”

Embracing “Alone” Seasons

I believe that one of the deepest fears we as humans have is being lonely. I know I’ve ever liked the thought of it. And I’m not talking about romantic relationships, but relationships in general. To feel as though we don’t have friends or we don’t have any one to share life with is a pretty real and fearful thought.

I experienced a season in my life when I first moved up to Jersey where I felt just that. Not having any friends up here, I felt so lonely.  I didn’t have anybody I truly connected with so after work, I would come home and be by myself. It didn’t feel good. When people at work would talk about what they were doing for the weekend, I never talked because I felt embarrassed that I was just going to spend it by myself.

One thing I didn’t want to do was compromise who I was for the sake of having friends. So it was a hard season in my life.  It wasn’t what I was used to. I was used t always being around people and being involved in activities. Though I couldn’t truly understand what God was doing, I knew He was up to something.

I will never forget a conversation I had with a dear friend during that season that helped me to accept what God was up to. She said, “Yodit, look at this time as vacation time with you and God because there will come a time when you will always be around people and you will wish for this time” And was she ever right!!

That night, I got a revelation of what God was doing. Though I felt lonely, God wanted me to see that yes, I was alone….with HIM. No distractions. No hindrances. No competition. Just me and Him. His promise that He will “never leave us nor forsake us” (Hebrews 13:5) became so real to me!

The enemy will have us think that being alone means we’re lonely. But I’ve learned from my experience that being alone was the foundation to why I am where I am now. Little did I know that this season was all a part of God’s strategy for my life. The moments of crying out—the moments of searching—the moments of hearing Him—the moments where I would feel His unrelentless love for me –all became the rich soil in which the fruits of my relationships now grow. I learned that being alone was God’s cry for a deeper relationship with Him—a friendship that would overflow into the friendships I formed when it was time.

There may be some of you who may be dealing with this right now. I want to encourage you that this season is so vital for what God needs you to hear and needs you to become so that the love and intimacy you develop in this season will pour into the friendships and circumstances He will bring to you.

Know that feeling lonely will only make you feel worthless. But understanding that you are alone with HIM will make you feel valued.

Feeling lonely will keep you from hearing God’s truth about you. But acknowledging that you are alone with Him will allow you to hear what God wants to say to you.

Feeling lonely will make you contemplate compromising. But accepting that you are alone with HIM will make you know that He is enough for you and can fulfill any desire.

There is strength and beauty in being alone. It’s not as scary as you think. So much will come from it. So don’t let the enemy deceive and confuse your mind. He’s just a bit frightened of what God wants to do in this season of your life.

Embrace this season being alone with HIM—see it as your vacation time with God. Know that He is preparing you for an abundance that will need to come from the overflow of your time with Him now!! Take it from me;-)

Sometimes I Don’t Feel Like Talking, But…

Every time I have the chance to go into New York City, whether it is for work or for fun, I’m always reminded of how much I enjoy the city environment. It can be overwhelming-especially if you’re in a car, stuck in traffic; but for me, there is something about that many people going about their daily lives that makes me expectant on experiencing a non-dull moment. And trust, there is never a dull moment in the city…all you have to do is embrace the art of people watching ;-)

Everyone is on a mission to get somewhere in the city. Sadly, as many people live in that city, it’s surprising that there is so much disconnection. Eyes are glued to phones. Ears are plugged into music. And truth be told, I have been guilty of doing the same: focused on my destination with my music as my soundtrack.

That was interrupted the other day.

I came into the city for work and God showed me something. Arriving into the city with only 30 minutes left to get to my meeting, I prayed that I would quickly find a taxi and get there on time. Faithfully, God answered my prayers and I found myself inside the taxi, relieved and grateful.

Most of us experience that awkward silence, where at times I have found it to be extrememly uncomfortable, to be in the same car as someone and not say a word—so I did what anyone would do—enter my own little world…in my phone. Away from feeling any more awkwardness.

Suddenly, God pressed on my heart to ask the taxi driver how he was doing. To be quite honest, I didn’t have the energy to engage in conversation. I was fine scrolling through my IG. And I was more concerned about whether I would arrive to my meeting on time.

But I chose to obey and til this day, I’m so glad I did.

Seiko, my taxi driver, was a bit taken back that I was taking the time to ask him how he was doing, but to see his eyes light up and fully embrace the conversation showed me something:

People are dying to talk. To share their stories. To express their opinions. To simply be heard.

And as Seiko and I talked about our beloved continent of Africa, as he was from Liberia, we entered into this new space of connectivity. As I heard and felt his passion about his land, his family, and his background, I realized in that moment that my obedience in asking him that one simple question had unlocked his voice. His story.

That is the power of conversation. We, as God’s ambassadors, have the opportunity every day to help others unlock their voice. To be heard. To share. To express.

Conversations create the fertile ground for the seeds of life and hope to be planted.

I can’t imagine how many people are walking around in silence because no one would take the time to start a conversation with them.

You have that opportunity today. Don’t miss it. It can start with a simple “Hi” and end with someone’s life being forever changed.

Like golden apples set in silver is a word spoken at the right time. (Proverbs 25:11)

When God Doesn’t Tell You What’s Next….

In this faith walk, you get to certain points where you are clear on what God is doing and then there other times when you just have NO idea what His next step for you is.

It’s clear to me that God’s hand is on my life. And it seems like when God says in His word that we move from faith to faith, He knew that even when we know that He orders our steps, we will experience these real moments when we still question what the next step is.

And because He knows that this has been the thoughts and prayers of my heart lately, it’s just like Him to lead me to an answer that would shut me up lol.

The other day, as I was talking with Him, He led me to this scripture…

 “Be content in Obscurity, like Christ…” (Colossians 3:4 MSG)

And of course He knew I was going to respond with…what the what?

God, what do you mean you want me to be OK with not knowing what is coming next?? How do I remain content in sensing that shift is taking place but yet having no idea what that means? I mean…how else do I prepare if I don’t know what I’m preparing for.

These are real questions I have for God because yes, at times fear creeps in. it can be tough to desire to please God so much that you become paralyzed because you can’t see a concrete next step.

And all along, God is trying to tell me…(this is how God talks to me—He can be quite humorous ;-))

Be OK with being in the dark. Because if I’m telling you that I am the LIGHT (John 8:12) and you fix your gaze on me (Prov. 4:25), there is no way that you will remain there forever.

You don’t have to know everything. Believe it or not, knowing everything requires no faith in Me. Some things are better left unknown until I reveal them….Why? Because you will never live in the moment.

You can’t handle knowing everything. “YOU CAN”T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!’ (Sorry—it just seemed appropriateJ ) But on a serious note—Remember, My job is to protect and prepare you.  Knowing everything will probably cause you more worry than the simple act of putting your trust in Me to guide you. Learn from Adam and Eve. It was never meant for them to know everything, but look what disobedience led them to.

I know you better than you know yourself. It’s true. I kinda created you. And I know every bit of detail there is to know about you (Psalm 139).  Most times than not, you come to realize that what you wanted to know so badly at one point, you could have waited. So because I know that, I help you out before you even have to get there;-) (I’m a Good God huh?)

Remain focused where you are. Do you not see what I am doing in the midst of you? And within you? I’m building in you character. I’m giving you insight. I’m offering you wisdom. Stop living in the future that has yet to happen and probably won’t happen the way you already claimed in your mind it will. So just stop. Be in the moment so you won’t regret it later.

Learn as much as you can where you are. Remember when you used to work for the yearbook and you used to develop pictures in the dark room? What happened when the image was exposed to light too quickly—it messed up! In the same way, there is so much growth that happens in your season of obscurity. Focus on learning all that life will teach you right where you are.

Obscurity isn’t purposeless. Don’t be deceived by what this world says about not knowing what your next step is. You aren’t lazy. You aren’t a wanderer. Don’t put that kind of pressure on yourself. You don’t have to lean on your understanding as the world does. Obscurity doesn’t mean you’re lost. It just means I love you enough to be intentional with you on what your next step is. It’s that important to me. So relax…Be content! You’re taken care of. Your days were numbered before one of them came to be. So why not let me  lead you through them?? (Psalm 139:16)

Whewww..well..God sure has a way of bringing us a peace that passes all understanding even when it means giving up our right to understand. He really  loves us!  So yes, I don’t know what the next step is. But I will not worry myself to fear and discontentment with where He has me NOW. I will—with the peace of God—be CONTENT in obscurity.
